Restoring the planet with advanced technology.

About Nabat

Why Nabat?

Technology is often seen as a threat to nature. But it can also be a powerful ally.

We are Nabat, a new UAE climate tech venture, using powerful technology to let ecosystems speak to us about their unique and complex needs.
Our innovative AI and autonomous robotics solution, developed at Abu Dhabi’s Technology Innovation Institute in collaboration with ecologists, enables the design and implementation of scalable, data-driven ecosystem conservation and restoration strategies that are tailored to each unique habitat.
Our Team

We are a diverse team of roboticists, AI engineers, and ecologists from around the world. Our passion for using technology to drive climate action unites us.

We're honored to be part of the UAE's national mangrove restoration program, caring for thousands of hectares of mangroves over the next decade. And mangroves are just the beginning—we’ll be expanding to other habitats.
Want to build technology that cares for Earth’s ecosystems, from forests to deserts to farmland and coral reefs?
Nabat is based in Abu Dhabi, and powered by the Advanced Technology Research Council’s commercialization arm, VentureOne.
Jennifer Simonjan Technology
Nada El Shanawany Operations
Michal Barcis Technology
Amine Marrakchi Business Development
Mehdi Ajana Business Development


Nabat’s autonomous robotics enable precision monitoring and ecosystem restoration services, that are tailored to each habitat’s unique and complex dynamics.
Coral reefs
Desert areas


  • Survey habitat density, elevation, and hydrology
  • Process multi-sensor and satellite data
  • Classify and select the restoration area
  • Multi-spectral drones with data on elevation, hydrology, soil, and more
  • Synthetic aperture radar for soil characterization, even underground
  • Create optimized seeding corridors
  • Target seeding to areas that need it
  • Tailor seeding to the habitat using flexible patterns
  • Drone seeding mechanism with flexible seeding patterns
  • Marine and terrestrial motherships for docking and recharging
  • Monitor habitat growth and health
  • Detect and respond to diseases and invasive species
  • Analyze biodiversity and carbon storage benefits
  • Autonomous and smart path planning
  • Nano-drones for close-up inspection


Mangrove conservation and restoration in the UAE
Why mangroves? Rising CO₂ levels have put our planet in crisis. The need for climate action has never been more urgent. Mangroves are a nature-based force, storing up to five times more carbon per hectare than tropical rainforests. Over the next decade, in partnership with the Abu Dhabi Environmental Agency, we will restore millions of mangrove trees and sequester thousands of tonnes of carbon. 
Smart crop monitoring
Learn more about Nabat

NEWS from nabat

EAD, Nabat to revolutionise mangrove restoration

Dec 30, 2024

Nabat, New Abu Dhabi Climate Tech Venture, to use AI and Robotics to Restore Mangroves and Boost Climate Resilience

Dec 11, 2024

Khaled bin Mohamed bin Zayed chairs Advanced Technology Research Council board meeting

Oct 18, 2024

OUR Ecosystem

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